Tuesday 19 May 2015

Tama-Chan Tuesday

Tama-Chan: I don't know about you, Dear Friends, but we have been having some rather strange weather. One day it will be warm and sunny enough to toast one's tummy and the next, it will be grey and windy and almost cold! Thank goodness that #1 is here (for now) so that we don't have to feel cold inside as well as outside. So, for now, my philosophy is "enjoy the sunpuddles whilst you have them"!

It's lovely to bathe in the sun (as opposed to sunbathe, tee hee!):

Hello there!

My Toesday contribution:

And a little head and paw dangle to finish off...


  1. Sunshine makes all sorts of things better,It's even nicer when your special purrson is home :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. At least you are having some sunny days - the sun has not been coming out much here.

  3. Your purrfect paw dangle left us quite speechless Tama-Chan.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. that's the same weather we have here!

  5. So nice to see you in all your splendor, Tama-Chan. We haven't had cold weather but we surely have had a lot of rain!! More tonight. Our yard is so wet we think we might nees a boat pretty soon.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  6. Purrfect paw and head dangle, Tama-Chan ! Purrs

  7. Coucou Tama,
    Comme je te comprends.
    C'est tellement bon de faire sa toilette, de rêver, de siester au soleil.
    Et aussi d'avoir tout le monde à la maison...

  8. You have cute toesies Tama. We are having weird weather too. It hailed today and left the garden white. It is cold and windy too.

  9. Your sunny dangle looks purrfect!

  10. Your weather sounds like ours. Nice and warm, icky and cold. Right now it is icky and cold.

  11. OH! You just set my Tuxie heart to racing Tama, wishing I could look as gorgeous as you. xxoo


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